Pi-hole Lists

This page contains a signpost of some automatically generated Pi-hole lists used for blocking inappropriate websites (like scams, ads, etc.). They are updated regularly about twice a day. All you need to do is add a link to your Pi-hole instance, and the target websites will be blocked automatically.

This list is generated from data by the Czech Trade Inspection Authority (CTIA), which is published regularly on their website.

According to the CTIA, this list includes websites considered risky mainly due to non-compliance with legal obligations and difficulties in enforcing consumer rights. It serves as a recommendation for consumers to carefully consider shopping on these websites. The list is updated regularly but is not exhaustive. The absence of a website from the list does not guarantee it is safe.

Pi-hole list URL: https://pi-hole-lists.ceskydj.cz/risk-eshops


What is Pi-hole?

Pi-hole is a network-wide ad blocker that acts as a black hole for internet advertisements. It functions by filtering DNS requests and blocking domains that are known for serving ads, trackers, and other unwanted content. By doing so, pi-hole provides a cleaner browsing experience and can also improve network performance by reducing the load of unwanted content.

How can I use these lists?

It is pretty easy to install any of the blocklists specified above. Follow these steps:

  1. Open your Pi-Hole admin webpage (http://pi.hole/admin should work in general if you don't modify your configuration, and you don't use some web proxy as nginx).
  2. Go to "Adlists" (in the vertical menu on the left).
  3. Fill in the blocklist's URL into the "Address" field and optionally name of the blocklist into the "Comment" field.
  4. Click on the "Add" button.
  5. Now you need to update your gravity list (cache of DNS entries used by Pi-Hole). So, go to "Tools" → "Update Gravity" (in the vertical menu on the left).
  6. Click on the "Update" button.
  7. Wait a second until the updating process is done. You should see a "Success!" alert on a green background.